Sophos XG Firewall: Installing the SSL VPN client software on Windows 10

The Sophos SSL VPN client enables BCNET staff to use computers and smartphones located away from BCNET offices, while still being able to send and receive data as if the devices were located in the office and directly connected to the BCNET network.

This article outlines the workflow for downloading and installing the Sophos SSL VPN client on Windows 10 computers. For other operating systems, please refer to the following documentation:

  • macOS
  • Linux
    • The documentation refers specifically to Ubuntu, but can easily be modified for installation of the client upon other distros.


  • From within an Internet browser, log into the Sophos user portal, located at 
    • Use firstname.lastname as your username, and your email password as your password. In the screenshot below, the person logging in is named John Smith. Since their email address would be, they log into the Sophos user portal with simply john.smith .

  • Once logged into the portal, download the SSL VPN client for the required endpoint accordingly.

  • Run the downloaded SSL VPN client. Click Next and follow the wizard.

  • Accept the license agreement.

  • Click Install to install the client in the default destination folder.

  • Monitor the installation process.

  • Click Finish to complete the installation.

  • Once installed, start the VPN authentication by clicking on the traffic light symbol in the task bar.

  • Log in using the same credentials for the user portal.

  • The traffic light will change from red (disconnected) to red and amber (negotiating/connecting).

  • As soon as the traffic light changes to green, a pop up message appers confirming the SSL VPN connection is established.


Article ID: 364
Tue 3/10/20 12:11 PM
Fri 3/13/20 9:45 AM